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New York

Name Title Mobile Phone Email
John M. Schmidt CEO/Vice-Chairman
John DeSantis Sr. Chairman Emeritus
Roger J Marco President
Capt. Harihar Prasad Managing Director Middle East and Far East Operations
Capt. Jim R. DeSantis Corporate Secretary
Name Title Mobile Phone Email
Albert Doerbecker Head of Crude/DPP
Steve Koll Shipbroker
Kevin Kerr Shipbroker
John Shelley Shipbroker
Bill Kong Shipbroker
Merrick McQuilling Shipbroker
Matt Corrigan Shipbroker
John DeSantis Jr. Shipbroker
Will Felch Shipbroker
Hunter Gilliland Projects
Tim Schmidt Projects
Name Title Mobile Phone Email
Jarrett Malizio Dept Head
Joseph R. Steckmeister Shipbroker
Dick Barnard Shipbroker
Matthew Hayes Shipbroker
Cameron Faccibene Shipbroker
Name Title Mobile Phone Email
Matthew Weigand Shipbroker
Robert Meehan Manager/Shipbroker
William Steckmeister Shipbroker
Name Title Mobile Phone Email
T.C. Thoresen Sale and Purchase Broker
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Dean Speres Vessel Operations Manager
Brad Ruppel Vessel Operations
Jack Cammarota Vessel Operations
Name Title Mobile Phone Email
John DeSantis III Claims
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Stefanos Kazantzis Commercial Director
Oliver Ge Head of Research
Valerie Pivkina Senior Advisor
William Gaine Shipping and Finance Advisor
David Saginaw Projects Advisor
Name Title Mobile Phone Email
Capt. Jim R. DeSantis Vice President
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David Saginaw Director, Business Development
Jack Cammarota Marine Supply Chain Manager
Avril Montanti Senior Marine Logistics Advisor
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Thomas E. Schmidt Chief Technology Officer
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Accounting US Asst. Finance Manager
Name Title Mobile Phone Email
Jessica Petersen Admin. Asst.
Jenna Ruppel Admin. Asst.